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The accusative case / Plural endings
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Lesson 2.1

  1. The Russian alphabet (part 2) : letters that sound like English letters but are written differently
  2. The pronunciation of the letter O (part 2)
  3. The Russian alphabet (part 2) : letters that sound like English letters but are written differently


E / e – This letter is pronounced « ye » like in the word « yes ».

Example :

Текст (tyekst) – text


Б / б This letter is pronounced like the English B.

Example :

Бокс (boks) – boxing


Д / д – This letter is pronounced like the English D.  

Example :

Да (da) – yes


И / и – This letter is pronounced « i », like in the word « kick ».

Example :

Такси (taksi) – taxi


З / з – This letter is pronounced like the English Z.

Example :

Доза (doza) – dose


Л / л This is the Russian L.

Example :

Алло ? (Allo ?) – Hello ? (when answering the phone)


Н / н – This letter is pronounced « n » in Russian.

Example :

Нет (nyet) – no


Р / р – This letter is the Russian R.

Example :

Бар (bar) – bar 


The pronunciation of the letter O (part 2)

If the letter O comes before the stressed vowel and is not stressed, it is pronounced « a ».

Examples :

Контракт (kantrakt) – contract

Омлет (amlyet) – omelet


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