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Lesson 3.1 – Russian letters (part 3 : same sound, different writing) / Voiced and voiceless consonants


  1. The Russian alphabet (part 3) : letters that sound like English letters but are written differently
  2. Voiced and unvoiced/voiceless consonants


The Russian alphabet (part 3) : letters that sound like English letters but are written differently


В / б – This letter is pronounced « v » in Russian.

Example :

Ваза (vaza) – vase


П / п This letter is the Russian P.

Example :

Парк (park) – park


У / у This letter is pronounced « oo » in Russian.

Example :

Суп (soop) – soup


Й / й – This letter is called « short i » and is pronounced « y », like in the word « boy ».

Example :

Йога (yoga) – yoga


Ф / фThis letter is the consonant F in Russian.

Example :  

Кофе (kofye) – coffee


Г / г – This letter is pronounced like the letter G in « get ».

Example :  

Газ (gas) – gas

Pay attention to the pronunciation of the letter з here ! It is pronounced « s ».


Voiced and unvoiced/voiceless consonants

In Russian, the consonants are divided into two groups : voiced consonants and voiceless (unvoiced) consonants. Voiced consonants make our vocal cords vibrate when we pronounce them, whereas unvoiced ones do not.

The consonant з is a voiced consonant ; and at the end of a word, a voiced consonant becomes voiceless, which means that you have to pronounce it like its voiceless counterpart, the consonant c.


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